“When I have a particular case in hand, I have that motive and feel an interest in the case, feel an interest in ferreting out the questions to the bottom, love to dig up the question by the roots and hold it up and dry it before the fires of the mind.”
-Abraham Lincoln
With many different proceedings, from DMV hearings through Appeals, there are some very strict time limits set up. These time limits may restrict your ability to object to unfair treatment or improper arrests. Be sure to contact us as soon as possible after you know you may be in some trouble, so that we can assist you within those time limits, and make sure you do not miss anything. How many times have you said to yourself, “I don’t want to deal with that today, I’ll handle it tomorrow…”? Well, this procrastination may lead to very unfair and unfortunate results in your case. The best thing you can do is call us, let us tell you whether you need to handle something right away, then let us take care of it for you.
Here’s What We Do
DUI Defense
Hire someone who has the knowledge needed to handle DUI cases. Whether the stop and arrest is related to alcohol, drugs, or both, Kendall Simsarian Attorney has the knowledge required to handle your case the best way for you. Most people don’t realize that DUI defense is one of the most complicated, detailed types of criminal defense. They just think they were drinking and driving and since they got arrested, they’re guilty. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that machines are faulty, officers are not properly trained, and prosecutors file cases on a revolving door basis. Even judges tend to see every defendant in their courtroom as just another guilty body. Don’t let yourself be a part of the rabble, of the 50-80 defendants who walk into each misdemeanor courtroom every day, only hoping and maybe even praying for a modicum of justice. But then the prosecutor ends up preying on you. You deserve better than that. Exercise your Constitutional Right to defense counsel, and know that you deserve the best. You deserve Kendall Simsarian Attorney on and at your side.
Assaultive Crimes
This category includes a wide range of crimes. Homicide, Assault and Battery, Sex Offenses, Kidnapping, Criminal Threats and Hate Crimes, Criminal Street Gang charges, Arson, and Robbery and Carjacking all come under this category. And Kendall Simsarian Attorney has handled cases of all these types. And handled them well. If you or a loved one are charged with these most serious of criminal offenses, you will not just want, but need the person who can handle them BEST on your side, literally and figuratively. Kendall Simsarian Attorney will be the man who stands at your side while the prosecution charges you, while police officers testify against you, and as the jury foreman reads the verdict of NOT GUILTY at your trial.
Property Crimes
From shoplifting charges to residential burglary felonies, Kendall Simsarian Attorney has handled thousands of these cases over the years. You can have an inexperienced attorney learn the ropes through your case, or you can have someone who has handled dozens of cases just like yours on your side. So often, these cases are made by Circumstantial Evidence. Kendall Simsarian Attorney knows that the law says that if there’s more than one possible version of what happened, you’re NOT GUILTY of the crime charged. And he’ll make sure the judge tells this to the jury, and that they respect this rule of law. Don’t take a chance on a newbie, get the guy who’s proven he can do the job, and do it right.
Besides his stellar Trial Skills and Courtroom Theatrics, Kendall Simsarian Attorney also is an excellent appellate lawyer. Being able to handle appeals is a special skill that most attorneys do not even try to achieve. It also makes him a better Trial Lawyer, since he knows what works in the courtroom and what doesn’t, as well as what will cause your case to require reversal on appeal. You know that any appellate lawyer will have the writing skills necessary for you to beat your case on a technicality or on police misconduct. Get your best chance to be found NOT GUILTY or have your case REVERSED on appeal by hiring Kendall Simsarian Attorney.