DUI Defense

Hire someone who has the knowledge needed to handle DUI cases. Whether the stop and arrest is related to alcohol, drugs, or both, Kendall Simsarian Attorney has the knowledge required to handle your case the best way for you. Most people don’t realize that DUI defense is one of the most complicated, detailed types of criminal defense. They just think they were drinking and driving and since they got arrested, they’re guilty. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that machines are faulty, officers are not properly trained, and prosecutors file cases on a revolving door basis. Even judges tend to see every defendant in their courtroom as just another guilty body. Don’t let yourself be a part of the rabble, of the 50-80 defendants who walk into each misdemeanor courtroom every day, only hoping and maybe even praying for a modicum of justice. But then the prosecutor ends up preying on you. You deserve better than that. Exercise your Constitutional Right to defense counsel, and know that you deserve the best. You deserve Kendall Simsarian Attorney on and at your side.
